The 2024 AES Student Competitions

Submission Deadline: March 27, 2025

AES Student Recording Competition

Demonstrate your recording and mixing skills by participating in the AES Student Recording Competition! It’s your chance to gain professional feedback and win some great prizes! AES student members can enter the competition in four different categories covering every possible genre and recording technique.

Saul Walker Student Design Competition AES Student Site

Submission Deadline: June 1, 2024

Saul Walker Student Design Competition

The AES Saul Walker Student Design Competition is an opportunity for aspiring hardware and software engineers to gain recognition for their hard work, technical creativity and ingenuity, by participating in a worldwide contest at AES Conventions.

Submission Deadline: June 16, 2024

AES MATLAB Plugin Competition

The opportunity to challenge both your signal processing skills and creativity and design a new kind of audio production VST plugin using MATLAB. Shortlisted teams will be selected to present their work for a chance to win cash and software prizes.